Issues comparison between different scans

Most of Risk pages contain a functionality to compare scans. It can be accessed by selecting ChangeLog option in the Risks pages.

To compare two scans, you must select the source (FROM) and the target (TO) scans

The source scan (FROM) allows to be selected among:

  • Pre last scan (the previous to the last executed scan)

  • Baseline (the scan tagged as Project Baseline)

  • First Scan (the first scan of the project, by default it's the project baseline)

  • A specific scan (selected by execution timestamp)

The target scan (TO) allows to be selected among:

  • Last Scan (the last executed scan of the project)

  • A specific scan (selected by execution timestamp)

By default, the list will show the differences between the Baseline and the Last Scan.

Any issue tagged as NEW means that issue appear into the Target but it does not exist into the Source scan

Any issue tagged as REMOVED means that issue appear into the Source but it does not exist into the Target scan

You can filter the list by type of change (new and/or removed)

Last updated