Xygeni CLI Configuration options

Each scan has configuration options that are by default available in files named xygeni.yml and xygeni.<command>.yml in the scanner's conf directory. Each file is a YAML document that could be edited and uploaded to the Xygeni platform for reuse.

Nevertheless, you can also configure the scanners by command line without the need to modify the configuration files.

The -cop|--conf-option are global options that go before the command, each for given a value to a configuration property

$ xygeni -cop | --conf-option key:value -cop | --conf-option key2:value ... <command> ...

Quotes surrounding key:value are optional, depending on shell metacharacters that can appear in key:value

keyis the name of the configuration property, and value is the value to be assigned. For nested properties separate the parts with '/'.


# Disable commit resolution
xygeni -cop 'commitResolution:never' scan ...
# Set parallel mode with two threads
xygeni -cop 'mode:parallel' -cop 'parallelism:2' secrets ...
# Disable timeout
xygeni -cop 'timeout:0' secrets ...

# More complex cases (using long or short option names):
xygeni --config-option "report[format=text]/sort: exposure" \
  --config-option "report[format=text]/borders: none" \
  --config-option "parallelism: min(availableProcessors - 1, 4)" \
  scan ...

# Imagine that the user has this environment var instead of the expected JENKINS_URL
xygeni -cop "cicd[kind=jenkins]/url: ${MY_JENKINS_URL}" misconf ...

Note that many configuration options are passed through environment variables or local files in CI/CD pipelines, and for sporadic changes it may be easier to specify a few options with --conf-option, possibly storing command line options in an @argument file which could be under version control, etc.) This could be convenient when many configuration properties need to be overridden for scanning a particular project.

Follow our Central Configuration for instructions on how to handle central configuration.

Last updated