Xygeni Web UI Overview
Xygeni Web UI
Xygeni Web UI pages are composed of three elements:
The Navigation Bar
The page content
Navigation Bar
The Navigation Bar lets you access all the Xygeni functionalities:
Projects Selector
The Projects Selector is a UI feature that allows to select a project subset among the available ones in the Xygeni organization. Almost every UI page’s data is related to the selected Project(s).
The subset of projects can vary from a unique project to All projects, passing for any defined subset.
If I am watching, for example, the Security Posture page, the figures are related to the selected project subset. If only one project is selected, the figures will be those for that project. But if the project selector is a set of projects, the figures are aggregated for that set of projects.
Below image shows Security Posture figures related to All Projects in the Xygeni organization.
Instead, next image shows Security Posture related to a specific project.
To use the Projects Selector click on it and you can either select an specific Project or a Project group.
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