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Trends page shows governance information about issues discovered, remediation, trends, etc.
It can be accessed through Reports >> Trends at the Menu Bar.
Top panel shows different metrics by "period" (last month, last 3 months, last 6 months and last year)
Total Issues is the number of Total Open issues at present date.
New Issues is the number of New Issues (i.e. opened) at present date.
Exposure Window is the elapsed time between the creation of an issue and present date (this metric only applies to open issues). Mean Exposure Window is the arithmetic mean of all the open issues' exposure window.
Time to Resolve is the elapsed time between the creation and closing of an issue (this metric only applies to closed issues). Mean Time to Resolve is the arithmetic mean of all closed issues' time to resolve.
Every displayed metric shows comparison (in total and %) relative to previous period.
Cumulative Pending Issues chart shows information about evolution of issues.
Being X-axis the timeline of the select period, left Y-axis indicates the Number of New / Resolved issues and right Y-axis indicates the Number of Open issues.
You can hoover the mouse over a the chart to get detailed information of total, new and resolved issues at a certain time.
Impact of Anomalous Activities chart displays information about frequency of anomalous activities (Critical File Changes and Suspicious Activity)
See Anomaly Detection , Code Tampering Scanner and Xygeni Sensors for further information.
Issues Exposure Window chart displays information about the number of issues at a certain date falling into three Exposure Window thresholds (<15d, 15-30d and >30d)
Issues Time to Resolve chart displays information about the number of issues at a certain date falling into three Time-To-Resolve thresholds (<15d, 15-30d and >30d)
Metrics By Group table displays metrics for a group of projects. Grouping is based on Projects' Properties. You can select the grouping property and it will display all the property's values with metrics of all the corresponding projects.
See Overall metrics for a description of every metric.