Anomaly Detection User Interface Guide

Real-Time Protection Against Exploits in Your Software Supply Chain

Xygeni’s Anomaly Detection provides robust security by actively monitoring and addressing vulnerabilities and risks as they are detected. Our real-time analytics ensure that any attempt to exploit these vulnerabilities is identified and mitigated quickly, protecting the integrity and security of your software operations.

Anomaly Detection platform provides an additional layer of security by continuously monitoring and analyzing activities within your SCM and CI/CD infrastructure to identify and respond to unusual behavior quickly. Xygeni detects anomalies that indicate unauthorized modifications, access, or exploitations in real time. This proactive approach ensures that potential security breaches are addressed before they can escalate into serious threats.

Anomaly Detection UI can be found at Products >> Anomalous Activity

Anomalous Activity page displays the following information:

  • Timeline Chart of number of issues created (differentiating between Critical File Changes and Suspicious Behavior)

  • Charts for # of events by severity, by type and top-5 users with anomalous activities

  • A table with the events (as well as filters ):

    • severity of the event

    • timestamp of the event

    • category (Critical File Changes or Suspicious Behavior)

    • event type (catalogued depending on the Unusual Activity detectores; read Unusual Activity detectors available for the full list)

    • user that produced the event

    • inventory asset associated with the event

    • etc

As an example, below image shows that a commit has been pushed to a repository after protection branch was disabled.

See Code Tampering Scanner for further information on code tampering scanner.

See Xygeni Sensors for a full description and supported platforms of sensors.

Last updated