User Management

User Administration

Xygeni platform has user administration section to manage customer users. To access to this section you must got to Settings >> User Management.

Clicking on New User button will let you to create a new Xygeni user.

User Name and Email must be unique !!

Yo can assign as many roles as you need.

See Xygeni Roles for further information.

Xygeni Roles

A user can have the roles: ROOT, MANAGER_USER, MANAGER_PROJECT, POWER_USER, USER and MANAGER_POLICY. The permissions can be summarized as:

  • View filtered issues: The user can see the issues filtered by projects.

  • View All issues: The user can see all issues.

  • Mute issues: The user can mute and unmute issues.

  • Admin Users: The user can create, update and delete users.

  • Admin Projects: The user can create, update and delete projects.

  • Assign Policies: The user can assign policies to projects.

  • Manage Policies: The user can create, update and delete policies.

  • Mark as Baseline: The user can mark a scan as baseline.

The permissions for each role are:

Last updated